North Branford Libraries

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Stay home, stay connected!

Use your library card to access ebooks, downloadable audiobooks, streaming movies and TV shows, magazines and online learning tools!

Stream or download popular movies, television shows, music, audiobooks, ebooks, or comic books!


Audiobooks, ebooks and thousands of magazines, including popular titles like The New Yorker, Martha Stewart Living and Food Network.

A digital learning platform for thousands of course videos on popular subjects like web design, IT, education, media, and business taught by industry experts.

College Admission & GED Test Prep Resources
Access to select ACT, AP, SAT, and GED test prep materials and study guides through June 30

Ebooks and audiobooks, you can download and listen to on your computer or your mobile device.


Durham Public Library (CT)

Find scholarly information for research, including essays, historical tests, research and databases free for use


Reviews, guides and information on products and services for consumers.



The world’s most popular consumer online genealogy resource. Now accessible from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. This collection holds billions of records in census data, photos, directories, vital records, and more


Provides live, interactive online help combined with online resources to help you get a job. A “resume lab” and live, online job coaches help jobseekers strategically target suitable jobs and prepare and practice for job interviews